Wednesday 19 November 2014

WHEN YOU BELIEVE - Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston

"When You Believe"

Many nights we've prayed
With no proof anyone could hear
In our hearts a hopeful song
We barely understood
Now we are not afraid
Although we know there's much to fear
We were moving mountains
Long before we knew we could

There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
It's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe
Somehow you will
You will when you believe

In this time of fear
When prayer so often proves in vain
Hope seemed like the summer birds
Too swiftly flown away
Yet now I'm standing here
My heart's so full, I can't explain
Seeking faith and speaking words
I never thought I'd say

They don't always happen when you ask
And it's easy to give in to your fears
But when you're blinded by your pain
Can't see your way clear through the rain
A small, but still, resilient voice
Says help is very near

 This is an amazing song about the power of believe in this world. The miracles you want to create in life comes from first believing in yourself. This is so inspiring and you CAN do anything if you just believe. 

 Believe in you is one of the first step to success. If you don’t have confidence in yourself, it will be difficult to succeed in anything which everything begins and without it, it is difficult to succeed. To do better for yourself, you must believe in yourself that you can succeed at what you are planning to do and that you are worthy for that success. Always think positive because negative talks kills your opportunities and create a doubt on your capabilities than it seems like an impossible goal to begin believing in yourself so its necessary to believe in yourself to overcome your doubt and disbelief in yourself. When believing in yourself you’ll start to establish trust for yourself and if you have trust for yourself you will start making good decisions. Many people set their goals and try to meet and seek those goals, but without the skills needed they won’t be able to reach their goals.

Friday 14 November 2014



Seperti yang kita tahu, ilmu itu merupakan cahaya dan ianya tidak akan memasuki hati-hati yang gelap. Tetapi kita lihat, kawan kita yang berjudi, yang minum arak, mereka boleh berjaya pula, sedangkan kita terkial-kial walaupun sudah berusaha. Kita tahu bahawa, siapa yang berbuat baik, taat kepada ALLAH akan dipermudahkan jalan kehidupannya, tetapi kita lihat, kawan kita ini tidak solat, tetapi bisnesnya menjadi, kita pula hidup dengan penuh cabaran dan dugaan.

Kita juga tahu bahawa, ISLAM ini agama yang benar, tetapi kita sering melihat orang-orang yang bukan ISLAM itu lebih berjaya, dan ummat ISLAM tertindas dalam kehidupan sempit lagi derita. Jika orang bertanya kepada kita. Kenapa begitu? Sekarang ini, yang manakah benar? Adakah kita faham selama ini tidak benar?

Adakah anda tahu apa itu ISTIDRAJ? Istidraj ini adalah satu kalimah, yang sering menunjuk kepada keadaan seseorang itu yang terus dilimpahkan rezeki dan kejayaan yang melimpah ruah dalam kehidupannya, walaupun dia bukan hamba ALLAH yang taat, malah seorang pembuat maksiat yang tegar. Kenapa mereka ini dinamakan manusia yang mendapat istidraj? Apakah maksud istidraj? Istidraj adalah, apabila ALLAH memberikan kejayaan, harta kekayaan, rezeki yang melimpah ruah untuk manusia itu menjadi lebih jauh dariNya.

Biasanya, manusia yang mendapat istidraj ini adalah mereka yang tidak berusaha menjalankan ISLAM dalam kehidupan, juga tidak berusaha mengenali ALLAH SWT. Contoh manusia yang mendapat istidraj ini banyak. Antara salah satu contohnya ialah..Salah seorang darinya adalah Qarun. Adakah anda kenal kepada Qarun? Dia adalah seorang manusiayang teramat kaya. Diriwayatkan bahawa, kotak yang mengisi kunci kepada gedung-gedung perbendaharaannya tidak mampu diangkat oleh orang-orang yang kuat. Perkara ini hendak menyatakan betapa kayanya dia. Kisah Qarun terdapat di dalam Al-Quran. Hartanya melimpah ruah. Segala perniagaannya menjadi. Segala pelaburannya mengembang. Hartanya makin hari makin bertambah, sedang yang bertambah semalam tidak pula luak digunakan. Tetapi bila Nabi Musa cuba mengingatkannya berkenaan semua kekayaannya itu datang daripada ALLAH, maka Qarun dengan angkuh menjawab, “Tidak, semua ini adalah hasil dari ilmuku”. Dia semakin jauh dari ALLAH, walaupun kekayaannya menjadi, rezekinya melimpah ruah dan sebagainya. Dia saban waktu memperlekehkan pengikut-pengikut nabi Musa yang terdiri daripada orang miskin dan hamba. Apakah pengakhiran Qarun? Dia akhirnya ditenggelamkan ALLAH ke dalam bumi dengan seluruh hartanya. Malah, kisahnya telah diabadikan di dalam Al-Quran.
Jadi sekarang, apa yang kita mahu? Berpikirlah sejenak apakah yang akan timbul di dalam hati kalian apabila kalian ini jenis yang melazimi dosa-dosa, melakukan maksiat, kemudian kalian berjaya di dalam peperiksaan atau perniagaan. Apakah agaknya yang akan timbul dalam jiwa kalian? Saya yakin, 99% akan merasa begini, “Lihat, saya tak solat pun boleh berjaya. Siapa kata solat itu boleh membawa kejayaan?”

Apakah yang akan terjadi kepada anda ketika itu? Anda berjaya, tetapi anda lupa bahawa yang memberi kejayaan adalah Allah SWT, dan inilah buktinya ada semakin jauh dari ALLAH. Itulah istidraj.

Maka jangan gusar bila anda belum atau tidak berjaya. Cuba lagi. Hubungan keimanan anda dengan ALLAH itulah yang pertama sekali perlu anda perhatikan. Jika anda berjaya membina hubungan keimanan yang baik, insyaALLAH, badai sekalipun, anda akan mampu melaluinya.
Sebenarnya ALLAH suka menguji hamba-hambaNya yang beriman. 

Terdapat satu kisah di antara dua orang nelayan. Seorang penyembah berhala, dan seorang lagi muslim yang taat kepada ALLAH. Ketika menebar jala, yang menyembah berhala menyebut nama berhalanya, manakala yang muslim membaca bismillah. Bila jala diangkat, yang menyembah berhala mendapat banyak ikan, manakala yang muslim, hampir tiada ikan untuknya pada hari itu.

Malaikat yang melihat keadaan itu bertanya kepada ALLAH.
“Ya ALLAH, apakah yang telah berlaku? HambaMu yang menyekutukanMu, KAU berikan dia rezeki yang banyak, sedangkan hambaMu yang menyebut namaMu, KAU tidak memberikan DIA apa-apa” ALLAH menjawab, “Yang menyekutukanKu, tempatnya memang sudah pasti dalam NERAKA. Maka apalah sangat rezeki yang pasti akan hancur itu jika Kuberikan kepadaNya? Tetapi HambaKu yang beriman itu, AKU hendak memberikannya ganjaran syurga, maka AKU mengujinya untuk melihat kebenaran imanNya”.

Lihatlah, jangan anda kecewa apabila diuji, tidak berjaya di dalam peperiksaan walaupun sudah belajar siang dan malam? Gagal dalam perniagaan walaupun hebat menyusun strategi. Itu semua adalah sebahagian dari ujian ALLAH. ALLAH menguji hanya untuk mereka yang dikasihi.

Bukankah ALLAH SWT ada berfirman, “Apakah kamu mengira KAMI akan membiarkan kamu berkata kami beriman sedangkan kamu belum diuji?”

Jika gagal terhadap satu-satu perkara, anda masih belum gagal dalam kehidupan. Teruskan usaha, selagi nyawa masih ada. InsyaALLAH, ALLAH akan memberikan sesuatu yang bermakna kepada anda. Bersangka baiklah kita kepada PENCIPTA kita.

Maka sebenarnya, bila hidup kita dilanda dengan masalah, hendaklah kita rasa bersyukur. Tandanya, ALLAH masih lagi dekat dengan kita. Ujian adalah tanda kasih sayang dan perhatianNya kepada kita.

Sunday 9 November 2014


This is so simple and so cool..
Your confidence is innate and every single person on the planet has an abundance of confidence.
Confidence in yourself = Trust in yourself
You don’t have to know how to do something to trust yourself to give it your best shot.
If you had to have confidence to win or achieve something, nothing would have ever be won or achieved because there is always somebody who did it first and therefore had no experience.
There is always the first person to do something and they did it with knowing they could. If you trust yourself and also realize that any failure is a learning experiences anyway, you will amaze yourself at what you can achieve.


I personally feel that so many students focus more on getting good grades than getting an actual education. GPA becomes more important than learning and retaining information, and that is such a shame. This quote is one of my personal favorite quotes that explain the importance of education because it defines the purpose of education. It is not to get good grades and get a good job, it is to make you a better person with a thirst for more knowledge

Thursday 30 October 2014



Hi everyone..happy to meet you again..Ok, for this entry I will share with you all about our topic that has been given which is conflict. 

Wherever there are people, there always be conflict whether internal or external conflict. Internal conflict usually occur that related with our mental, emotion or mind whereas external conflict occur between character and outside forces which could be another character or the environment. Ok, let’s talk about my conflict that I have face before. Wherever there are people, there always be conflict. When we talk about conflict, I believe that everyone as a student has their own conflict in their life like conflict with roommate or housemate and I hope you can manage it properly. So, during my previous study, I have a problem with one of my roommates. Sometimes she is ok and sometimes she is not. BUT I feel uncomfortable with her habits. She do not know how to respect other people. She do whatever she likes such as make noise without care others feeling during our revision. At the beginning, it was ok and I pretend to ignore but from time to time I feel that it gives burden to me. 

So, I decide to settle this problem with confrontation. It is the best way for me to resolve the conflict. I  try to be patient and nice with her when dealing our conflict. When used effectively, confrontation can result in a win-win situation. So, no matter where you live, you must ready to use problem-solving skill to resolve the conflict.

Friday 24 October 2014



For this entry, I choose advertisement about boycott product Israel. There are sooooo many products that produced or supported by Israel. The Israel control probably 70% on the world economy!! That is probably almost half of our household product. Not many of us gets the chances to physically be in Palestine to help them, but most of us, have the purchasing power of our household!! We are the ones who does the groceries shopping! And that means we have the power to BOYCOTT Israel!! Yes,we do!!
Do you know, by buying products made by Israel & those Jewish companies who make products in Israel or outside of Israel and directly or indirectly support Israel, you are contributing to their economy hence supporting the massacre and genocide of innocent Palestinians, who are surrounded and are being attacked by Air, sea and land. Below is a list of products that are made in Israel & those Jewish companies who make products in Israel or outside of Israel and directly or indirectly support Israel.

There are so many of them, if not all, if we can contribute some, that would be good. But I believe there’s always other options for each of their products.. ALWAYS!! The choice is yours!

Forget Maggi mee!! They are one of the contributors under Nestle. Other options  for us are Ruski (made in Malaysia, Ruski Tomyam is my personal favourite!!) there’s also Mi Sedap (yang memang sedap!) and many more. As long as it’s not Maggi… Please. We don’t want to kill another Palestinians!! Nauzubillah..

And McD.. I believe many of us are aware of this. Well done!! Lets keep this up!!

I believe we must have one of that products on our collection right? Let’s stop buying all these! Do you know P&G also is one of Israel products?

Please, please, please, I beg you to do your part. Together we boycott product Israel. So many options out there. Besides that, this is the time for us to start looking at our own product. Please promote the Boycott of Israel & those Jewish Products made in Israel or made outside of Israel that directly or indirectly support Israel. This is the at least we can do for them…don’t forgot to watch this video..

Thursday 16 October 2014


Someone once said, “The key to happiness is having dreams.  The key to success is making your dreams’ come true.”  Today I want to talk about making your dreams come true.  I want to talk about keys that will help turn your dreams into reality. No matter how old you are, where you’re from or what you do for a living, we all share something in common a desire to be successful. Each person’s definition of success is different. We all want to achieve success so we could live in a comfortable life have financial freedom, drive a nice car and live in a beautiful house. However, although success can be achieved, it does not come easy. Because the world has become so competitive, you will have to do your best to secure your share of success. The following are tips to get you ahead in your career.

1. Priorities and goals

What are your priorities of the day? Make a list and of your priorities and plan your day. The tasks of the day must be outlined with the most important and urgent ones on top. Likewise determine your short-term and long-term goals and evaluate your progress frequently.

2. Be focused

Are you really present physically and mentally. Try to block out all distractions so that you have the time to truly focus on your tasks and career.

3. Broaden your skills

Nothing remains the same and so do job requirements. Update your knowledge and skills. Seek improvement of your know-how. Attend seminars, conferences, read books, be an eternal learner.

4. Socialize

Be ready to participate in social functions. Be open to new acquaintances. Meet new people and deal with them respectfully and enthusiastically. Be an active listener; you will surely learn something new...

5. Know your merits

Know your strengths and weaknesses. If you think you deserve a position or promotion, claim it.

6. Accept challenge

Through challenge you will reach areas of your personality you have never discovered before. It is a good idea to step away from your comfort zone to explore new horizons. If you settle into a routine and play it safe all the time, you will never get ahead in your career. 'If you always do what you've always done, you'll only get what you've already got'

7. Communication

Learn to communicate effectively. Listen to what others are saying and focus on how to give and receive constructive feedback, to persuade effectively and to ask for help and collect information.

8. Seek  satisfaction

If you are disappointed with what you are doing, try to transform it into something you love. If you fail, it might be a good idea to do something different. As Confucius said: 'Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

Tuesday 14 October 2014


In my opinion, integrity is a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations and morals. Integrity also means following your moral or ethical convictions and doing the right thing in all circumstances, even if no one is watching you. Having integrity means you are true to yourself and would do nothing that demeans or dishonors you. For example, integrity comes in many forms, but honesty and dependability are two traits that are expected in most workplace situations. Without responsible behavior, distrust can make a work environment tense and uncomfortable. A strong work ethic shows co-workers and clients that you're reliable and take your responsibilities seriously. Polite communication, respectable behavior and fiscal responsibility also help you stand out as a trustworthy employee.


Meanwhile, ethic is rules of behavior based on ideas about what is morally good and bad. Ethics is concerned with what is good for individuals and society and is also described as moral philosophy. Ethics is not only about the morality of particular courses of action, but it's also about the goodness of individuals and what it means to live a good life. For example, when you set up values for yourself which are consistent with those set by public such as not cheating, or doing your job consistently for the best results for the company and others.

Friday 10 October 2014


Have you ever been influenced by some important person that helped you be the person that you are today? I have been. The people that had influence on me are the most important human beings, that is my family.

 I could begin the book of my life with a picture of my parents.
They are important because they helped in my development. Also, they gave me the things that I needed to grow up in the moment and they still gave me everything that I needed to become somebody in the future. Among these things is the education that I have received all in my life, my basic needs like food, clothes, medicine, a place to live, and the most important thing, the love.  Also, they care for me when I am sick and they give me the necessary things to get better. They teach me good values like how to behave, to respect other people, and to share with other people. Sometimes they push me in certain directions and have high expectations for me, but now I really appreciate everything they have taught me. I understand why they do certain things and it is because my parents want the best for me. On certain occasions I get mad, but later appreciate their words of wisdom and understand. My parents are wonderful.
Now, about the rest of my family. 
As I mention before, I’m the eldest from four of my siblings. I have one younger sister and two youngest brothers. My younger sister was 22 years old and still studying at college in Gombak, Selangor. My third younger brother was 18 years old and still waiting for further study. I really hope he can continue study. Then, the last part of my siblings is my youngest brother. He was 12 years old and he had just finished his UPSR’s exam. Alhamdulillah, he can do it and done it very well as like what he said before. With them I have learned to share, to have fun, and to understand different points of view in different situations. They are younger than me, but that doesn't matter because sometimes people think that because they are older they know everything and that is not true, we can learn from those younger than us too. Also I have shared moments in which we laughed together, or we get sad, but there are always moments that I will remember. 

Next, I will tell you about my close relatives.  My father has four siblings and he is the eldest  whereas my mother has twelve siblings and she is the number six. I will start with my father’s side. They call my father as ‘Ayah We’. Next, the second is my aunty which we called her as ‘Mak Yang’. Why ‘Mak Yang’?? Usually, people will call ‘Mak Ngah’ for the second daughter. However, sadly the second son was dead while he still young. So, we go to the third son that is my uncle which we call him as ‘Uda’ and also he is very close with us. Moreover, his house is next to my house and the unique of his family is all of his son are boys. 

Last but not least, my youngest aunty, ‘Mak su’ and of course she is still young but unfortunately, she had married. Aaaaahhhhh……I forgot to tell you that I’m living with my grandparents on my father’s side.
Lastly, I really want to tell you how wonderful story about my mother’s siblings but I can’t because they are too many. So, till we will meet again.